Tech Plan







Olustee-Eldorado Public School is a small district in Jackson County with the goal of preparing students to contribute, compete, and thrive in a world that is increasingly impacted by technological innovations. The school district recognizes that technology changes at a rapid pace and evaluations must be made frequently in the areas of hardware, software, pedagogical methodology, and goal achievements. One of the advantages of a small district is that feedback may be available quickly and adjustments made accordingly.

Olustee-Eldorado Public School is committed to providing equal access for all students, teachers and administrators to technology. Technology will be used to support all levels of the instructional program, which will provide motivation for learning and will increase the flexibility in classroom instruction. Adequate access to technology will facilitate administrative tasks, increase productivity, and manage student data.

The Mission of Olustee-Eldorado Public School is to effectively infuse technology into education to produce graduates who use technology as a tool to accomplish meaningful work. In a effort to coordinate all technology funds, all available technology resources including state and federal categorical funds will be used to purchase equipment, which addresses the needs in this technology plan.

To provide guidance, direction, and oversight, the district has a Technology Committee, listed as follows:

  • Melvin Hazel - Superintendent
  • Chris McMall - Technician
  • Kimberly Abbott - Elem Principal
  • Carolyn Allen Business and Computer Teacher
  • Joe McIntyre High School Principal
  • Leslie Brown Counselor

Any and all of the committee members are encouraged to provide input on an ongoing basis, not only during formal committee meetings.

The district will make every effort to maintain quality hardware. Some equipment commonly in use today was not manufactured or readily available three years ago. Most likely this will be the case in the years ahead. As resources are made available and beneficial technology is developed, the district will upgrade equipment.

Software applications are especially exciting in the area of education. Education seems to be increasingly moving toward individualized instruction for all students. Technology offers the potential of multiplying the efforts of teachers and making individual instructional plans more readily available.

The best hardware and software is of little benefit if not properly utilized. Adequate utilization of technology resources requires continuing training for our staff. The district will make training available for our staff so that optimum benefits may be derived from technology. Peer training will be a strong but not sole component of our training.

In order to adequately address all of our technology needs and goals, the district's technology plan addresses the following thirteen areas:

Area 1: Strategies For Improving Academic Achievement And Teacher Effectiveness

  1. The District will strive to improve academic achievement by utilizing resources such as:
    1. Study Island
    2. Accelerated Reader
    3. Keyboarding programs
    4. Promethean Active Panels
    5. Other appropriate technology literacy programs
  2. The District will improve the capacity of all teachers to integrate technology effectively into curriculum and instruction by:
    1. Professional Development
    2. Peer Collaboration
    3. Grade level and/or content area meetings

Area 2: Goals

  1. The Technology Committee will strive to align the District's plan with State standards.
  2. To provide students access to new computer technology.
    1. Technology Committee and teachers will evaluate research based programs designed to increase student achievement.
    2. Technology Committee will seek additional funding opportunities.
  3. To provide professional development for teachers enabling each to…
    1. Expand and enhance instructional programs for each student with a variety of high-quality educational technology systems.
    2. Access the Internet to conduct research; to continually update knowledge of successful teaching methods, material, and media; to communicate with peers throughout the world; and to engage students in simultaneous learning projects with their peers throughout the state, the nation, and the world.
    3. Motivate students in all areas of learning so that each develops a love of learning as a lifelong pursuit.
    4. Rekindle the teacher's motivation in a fashion, which results in excitement and satisfaction throughout his or her career.

Area 3: Steps To Increase Accessibility

The District will ensure that all students and teachers have increased access to technology utilizing the following strategies:

  1. Obtain additional computers for computer labs.
  2. Schedule weekly opportunities for students to perform assignments in the computer labs.
  3. Seek additional funding resources to purchase additional technology equipment for every classroom.
  4. Review and revise master schedule based on technology resources such as computer labs,  and accessibility to Promethean Active Panels.
  5. Ensure that teachers are prepared to integrate technology effectively into curricula and instruction through grade level and content area meetings.

Area 4: Promotion Of Curricula And Teaching Strategies That Integrate Technology

The District Technology Committee has identified the following web based academic sites, curricula and teaching strategies designed to integrate technology effectively into curricula and instruction. The programs listed below represent a sampling of some of the programs in place to achieve these goals. As technology is an ever-changing area, it should be noted that this list is by no means inclusive and will evolve over time.

  • Accelerated Reader/STAR Reading: Grades 1-8 continuously use AR to guide students to appropriate books and curriculum within their zone of proximal development (ZPD). This research-based program includes experimental and quasi-experimental studies, which are generally considered by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 to provide the strongest evidence of effectiveness. Our elementary site runs AR in the library computer station, as well as some individual PC's in classrooms. Students test at the beginning of each year using the STAR (Standards That Are Reported) component to measure for adequate progress. 
    1. Study Island: This researched based instructional and diagnostic program is used to prepare students for success on state assessments. Students work at an individualized pace reviewing and learning core concepts. Olustee Public Schools provide time for all students to prepare using Study Island. Pre and post testing measures achievement.
  • Promethean Technology: The Promethean Active Panel in an interactive whiteboard this is connected to a computer. Once the computer image is projected on the board, the Promethean Active Panel can be used as a computer. There are various web-based sites that can be accessed by teachers and projected on the Panel, thus enabling teachers to cover P.A.S.S. objectives with an entire class.

Area 5: Professional Development

Olustee-Eldorado Public  Schools continually present training to develop teacher competencies in emerging technology to support education advancement. Educating today's student proposes many challenges to meet standardized testing competencies and increase student motivation while serving an expanding diverse student population. Our students come to us with many technology skills and a thirst for learning even more in order to survive in a technological growing world. Teacher training will focus on utilizing technology to enhance the curriculum and prepare teachers to integrate technology effectively into curricula and instruction. Integrating technology components into daily activities speaks to diverse learning styles and provides opportunities for students to be actively involved in the acquisition of knowledge.

Technology staff development addresses three levels of training:

    1. Level 1: General Productivity This includes training in the basic knowledge of computers. Other skills such as word processing, file management, and related software applications are taught to facilitate efficient communication, manage student records, access information, create documents, and prepare presentations and publications.
    2. Level 2: Technology Integration
      Training at this level provides teachers with a variety of skills to integrate technology into their curriculum. This supports learner-centered environments and encourages student involvement. Allowing for differing modalities of learning and utilizing various forms of media, the teacher directs research, data analysis, problem solving, decision making and collaboration. During this process, communication skills are enhanced and knowledge is acquired both by the student and the teacher.
  • Level 3: Technology Leaders

A level 3 teacher embraces technology as an integral part of the curriculum. These staff members are trained to discover new uses for technology in the classroom setting. They are provided with the training to be mentors and coaches for other educators and staff. Technology leaders incorporate alternative assessment methods to meet the challenges of students' ever expanding knowledge acquisition. These individuals play an important role in training, coaching and mentoring to support professional development.

Area 6: Technology Type and Costs

School year 2022-2023

Title II D funds will be about $450. This money will be combined with other funds to employ a technical director for the school.

School year 2011-2012

Title II D funds will be about $450 . This money will be combined with other funds to employ a technical director for the school.

School year 2012-2013

Title II D funds will be about $450. This money will be combined with other funds to employ a technical director for the school

Area 7: Coordination With Other Sources

School year 2010-2011

Internet Access 2-T-1 line (One Net) $12,336 annually pre-discount:

80% paid by E-rate 20% $2,467.20 paid by general fund July 08 $2,467.20

Technology support (Technician) yearly July 10 $8000

10 lap-top computers Jan. 10 $8,500

Software - Various Jan. 11 $1,500

Cellular phone service including data plan Verizon Wireless

Fka Cellco Partnership $861.36 discount by 80% schools part $172.27 $172.27

School year 2011-2012

Internet Access 2-T-1 line (One Net) $12,336 annually pre-discount:

80% paid by E-rate 20% $2,467.20 paid by general fund July 08 $2,467.20

Technology support (Technician) yearly July 11 $8,500

15 computers Jan. 11 $9,750

Software - Various Jan. 12 $1,500

Cellular phone service including data plan Verizon Wireless

Fka Cellco Partnership $861.36 discount by 80% schools part $172.27 $172.27

School year 2012-2013

Internet Access 2-T-1 line (One Net) $12,336 annually pre-discount:

80% paid by E-rate 20% $2,467.20 paid by general fund July 08 $2,467.20

Technology support (Technician) yearly July 12 $8,500

Software - Various Jan. 13 $1,500

Cellular phone service including data plan Verizon Wireless

Fka Cellco Partnership $861.36 discount by 80% schools part $172.27 $172.27

Throughout this three-year cycle, every effort will be made to identify and qualify for grants to make these goals possible.

The Olustee School Technology Committee will coordinate all funds that are used for technology. The committee will coordinate all technological needs of the school system. The needs will be placed in a prioritized list and presented to the Superintendent. This list will then be presented to the Board of Education for approval.

Area 8: Integration of Technology with Curricula and Instruction

Technology is incorporated into the learning environment not as an isolated area of concentration, but as an integrated tool for learning. Strategies for improving academic achievement of all students, including technology literacy, are a priority. The programs listed below represent a sampling of some of the programs identified to achieve these goals. As technology is an ever-changing area, it should be noted that this list is by no means inclusive and will evolve over time.

  • Accelerated Reader/STAR Reading Grades 1-8 continuously use AR to guide students to appropriate books and curriculum within their zone of proximal development (ZPD). This research based program includes experimental and quasi-experimental studies, which are generally considered by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 to provide the strongest evidence of effectiveness. Students in grades 2 – 8 will be tested quarterly using the STAR (Standards That Are Reported) component to measure for adequate progress. First grade students will be tested beginning second semester.
    1. Teachers will provide the building principal a copy of Student STAR reports by the second week of each nine-week period.
    2. The Director of Technology will make sure Accelerated Reader/STAR Reading is on the network each year.
  • Accelerated Math: Accelerated Math is an individualized mathematics instruction program used to help the teacher quickly assess students' math skills and generate daily assignments at each student's level. The program can be used as remediation for students performing below grade level and enrichment for students performing above grade level.
    1. Yearly seek funds for purchase of the Accelerated Math program.
    2. Provide professional development and technical support to classroom teachers.
  1. Study Island This researched based instructional and diagnostic program is used to prepare students for success on state assessments. Students work at an individualized pace reviewing and learning core concepts. Achievement is measured by pre and post testing.
    1. Purchase web-based license using General Fund each year.
    2. Provide professional development to teachers within 30 days of purchase.
    3. Develop an assigned Computer Lab time for each core academic class in grades 3 through 10.

Area 9: Innovative Delivery Strategies

OLUSTEE PUBLIC SCHOOL will encourage the development and use of innovative strategies for the delivery of specialized or rigorous courses and curricula through the use of technology.

  1. Distance Learning – Currently our Distance Learning Lab is utilized for Foreign Language Classes and advance placement classes.(English and Math)
    1. Work with Jackson County schools to determine additional specialized and/or rigorous courses to provide our students through distance learning.
    2. Encourage students to enroll in distance learning classes from Western Oklahoma State College.
  2. Oklahoma's Career Information System (OKCIS) - OKCIS is a computer-based system that combines a wealth of career, education and labor market information into one comprehensive, easy-to-use career exploration tool. OKCIS has been made available to our District by Southwest Technology Center in Altus.
    1. Working through our English Department, every junior and senior will access the OKCIS website to utilize the following features:
      1. Create a Resume
      2. Create a personal OKCIS Portfolio
      3. Create a Plan of Study
      4. ACT/SAT Test Prep
    2. Every Olustee School Sophmore will access the OKCIS website.
  3. SMART Boards – SMART Board is an interactive, electronic white board which can enhance instruction and learning. We have one SMART Board available to all teachers.
    1. Provide additional SMART Board training to teachers.
    2. Encourage more teachers to utilize the SMART Board in order to enhance instruction.
    3. Obtain additional SMART Boards, LCD projectors and lap tops.
  4. On-line Field Trips and Classroom Partnerships – OLUSTEE PUBLIC SCHOOL is located in the Southwest corner of Oklahoma. This limits our Field Trip opportunities. We want to explore On-line Field Trip opportunities. In addition, we want to explore the possibilities of visiting classrooms from other states and countries using the World Wide Web.

E. Every student will receive appropriate conduct instruction in all classes k-12. This instruction will be ongoing to make sure all students understand appropriate conduct when using technology in the school setting.

Area 10: Parental Involvement

There are many families in the Olustee community that have Internet access at home or work. Due to this, the district has increased the areas where communication and parental involvement are handled via electronic means. The measure of success of these programs will be seen through parental involvement impacting student achievement.

  1. Faculty E-mail Addresses: Each teacher of the Olustee School has a school e-mail address in which parents can use to communicate with their child's teacher. Email addresses will be posted on the District web-site.
  2. Olustee Schools Website: Olustee School has a website maintained and created by Mr. Melvin Hazel. The site enables parents to view the website which includes news, calendars, club information and more online. This provides parents with a powerful tool to stay involved with the activities of their student.
  3. Reporting Grades: Grades and attendance are recorded daily using Wen-Gage. This data is utilized to generate reports to teachers on student's attendance and eligibility for participation in school activities. Report cards and progress reports are also generated using this data.

Area 11: Collaboration With Adult Literacy Services

Olustee Public Schools will make its facilities and equipment available for use by programs that promote adult literacy. Historically, Olustee Public Schools has made its facilities and equipment available for public use in collaboration with Southwest Technology Center and Western Oklahoma State College (located in Altus, OK) and will continue to do so in the future. The programs made available in this partnership may include, but will not be limited to, adult literacy programs. If social services providers indicate a need to use our facilities and equipment to provide adult literacy programs, every effort will be made to reach a reasonable arrangement.

Area 12: Accountability Measures

OLUSTEE PUBLIC SCHOOL's faculty and staff utilize multiple sources to evaluate the effectiveness of our technology plan.

  1. Assessment Data We graph testing data to measure student achievement. The technology committee will review testing data in order to determine areas of need. We will work to identify strategies and resources to support instruction in targeted areas of need.
  2. Survey We will develop a technology survey to be completed by faculty and staff members. The technology and professional development committees will review the survey and identify additional resources and professional development needs.

Area 13: Supporting Resources

The internet is the most important resource for this district and maintaining it is a priority. The Technology Director will be responsible for assuring that each classroom, office, and lab has internet access. Currently the internet is accessible through a T-1 line provided by OneNet. All classrooms, labs, and offices are capable of internet access.

The District has provided a wireless network so that teachers at home can access the network at any time while at home. Each teacher that uses this system will pay for the cost of the equipment to be installed.

The District has 1 SMARTboard. The goal for the District is to acquire an additional SMARTboard each year over the next three years contingent upon funding through grants, fund raisers other financial resources.

The District uses Accelerated Reader/STAR Reading in Grades 1-8 to guide students to appropriate books and curriculum within their zone of proximal development (ZPD). This research based program includes experimental and quasi-experimental studies, which are generally considered by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 to provide the strongest evidence of effectiveness.

Other devices such as printers will be acquired on an as needed basis and as funding is available.




The purpose of providing Internet and other computer network access in the Olustee School District is to promote the exchange of information and ideas with the global community. The following represents a guide to the acceptable use of the technology provided by this district. All network use must be consistent with the policies and goals of the Olustee School District. Inappropriate use of district technology will result in the loss of technology use, disciplinary action, and/or referral to legal authorities.

All Internet and other computer network users will be expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette. These include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Be polite. Messages should not be abusive to others.
  2. Take pride in communications. Check spelling and grammar.
  3. Use appropriate language. Do not swear or use vulgarities or any other inappropriate language, symbols, or pictures.
  4. Protect password confidentiality. Passwords are not to be shared with others. Using another user's account or password or allowing such access by another may be permitted only with the approval of the supervising teacher or system administrator.
  5. Do not reveal your personal address or telephone number to anyone. No student information protected by FERPA should be electronically transmitted or otherwise disseminated through the network.
  6. Illegal activities are strictly prohibited.
  7. The district technology is not to be used for playing multi-user or other network intensive games, commercial ventures, Internet relay chat lines, or downloading excessively large files.
  8. No charges for services, products, or information are to be incurred without appropriate permission.
  9. Be aware that electronic mail is not guaranteed to be private. People who operated the system have access to all mail. Messages relating to or in support of illegal activities may be reported to the proper authorities.
  10. Do not use the network in such a way that you would disrupt the use of the network by other users.
  11. Respect the privacy of others. Do not read the mail or files of others without their permission. All communications and information accessible via the network should be assumed to be private property. Copyright and licensing laws will not be intentionally violated.
  12. Vandalism will result in cancellation of privileges. Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to harm or destroy hardware, data of another user, Internet, or any other agencies or other networks, which may be accessed. This includes, but is not limited to, the uploading or creation of computer viruses.
  13. Report security problems to the supervising teacher or system administrator.




The Olustee Board of Education believes that the use of the Internet and other local and/or wide area networks will further education by promoting the exchange of information and ideas and by providing intra- and inter-district, statewide, national, and global opportunities for staff, students, and community. Students will be able to access the Internet under the supervision of their teachers. Individual student, employee, and patron accounts and E-mail addresses will not be provided and the user will not be permitted to use the address to send and receive mail at school.

Since the Internet constitutes an unregulated collection of educational resources, which change constantly, it is not possible to predict or control exactly what resources users may locate. The Olustee School District makes no guarantees of the accuracy of the information or the appropriateness of materials which a student may encounter. Students will be under teacher supervision; however, it is not possible to constantly monitor individual students and what they are accessing. Students and other users will refrain from intentionally accessing and downloading any text, picture, or on-line conferencing that includes material which is considered to be obscene, libelous, indecent, vulgar, profane, or lewd; advertises any product or service to minors prohibited by law; presents a clear and present danger; or will cause the commission of unlawful acts or the violation of lawful school regulations. Users will not solicit or receive any information or service which could result in unauthorized expense to the district.

Users will be courteous and polite. Messages will be concise and not abusive in content or language. Personal information should not be revealed. Records of Internet use will be considered confidential; however, users must be aware that any message or information posted on the Internet may be accessed by others for whom it is not intended. E-mail and downloaded materials will be deleted from the system on a regularly scheduled basis.

Users of the services will respect all copyright and license agreements. Copyrighted software, pictures, or music will not be downloaded for use, which violates copyright laws.

Staff, students, and community must agree to attend an orientation which will address the issues of appropriate use of the school network, Internet, copyright laws, Internet etiquette, and fees (if any) incurred during the use of the services. An Internet/Computer Network use agreement will be signed by all persons wishing to use the services provided by the Olustee School District.

Violation of the Internet/Computer Network Acceptable Use Policy will result in forfeiture of all user privileges. Violators shall also be subject to appropriate disciplinary action. Pending investigation into a student/staff complaint of inappropriate use of the networks, user privileges will be suspended.

The Olustee School District shall not be liable for users' mistakes or negligence, or costs incurred by users. The Olustee School District shall not be responsible for ensuring the accuracy or usability of any information found on the Internet.

All teachers and support personnel of Olustee School will be diligent in watching internet activity by students. Olustee School understands that the blockers that are in place cannot block all inappropriate material. The main goal of Olustee school personnel is to make sure minors do not have access to inappropriate material.

Olustee School will not permit the use of chat-rooms, email or other forms of direct communication during school.

Unauthorized or unlawful activities by students will not be permitted.

No personal information of minor students will be issued or disseminated to anyone.

All students attending Olustee School will be instructed on the proper use of the internet and all technology. This instruction will include all classes k-12. Instruction will be provided by all classroom teachers as well as the technology instructor. Instruction will be on a daily or as needed bases. Teachers will keep records of the instruction and include it in all lesson plans.



I,_____________________________________, understand and will abide by the Olustee School District's terms and conditions for Internet access. I further understand that any violation of the regulations is unethical and may constitute a criminal offense. Should I commit any violation, my access privileges may be revoked and school disciplinary and/or appropriate legal action may be taken.

User's Signature:_________________________________________ Date:____________________

Status: Student_______ Staff_______ Patron_______ Phone No._______________________

Parent or Guardian: (If applicant is under 18 years of age, a parent or guardian must also read and sign this agreement.) As the parent or guardian of this student, I have read the terms and conditions for Internet Access. I understand that the Olustee School District is providing this access for educational purposes only and hereby give my permission to grant access for my child and will accept responsibility for supervision when my child is not in a school setting.

Parent or Guardian (please print)_________________________________________


This agreement is valid for the ______________school year only.

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