Athletic Manual

Olustee-Eldorado Diamondback Athletic Manual

Sports that are offered at Olustee-Eldorado (OE):


Baseball-Fall and Spring





Track and Field  (option if necessary)


Fastpitch Softball


Track and Field




Forms that are needed to participate in extracurricular activities at OE. 

Physical and Parent Consent, must be on these forms:

MF_2020-21_PhysicalForm.pdf (

Concussion Form:

 Microsoft Word - Concussion and Head Injury Acknowledgement2010final no watermark.doc (

Sudden Cardiac Form:

 MF_2017-18_CardiacInfoandForm.pdf (

Athlete Eligibility Form:

 MF_2020-21_EligibilityRecordForm.pdf (

Drug Testing Release Form:

All Eligibility forms provided from OSSAA:

OSSAA Eligibility

OSSAA Scholastic Eligibility Requirements

The following are requirements set forth by the Oklahoma Secondary Schools Activities Association and the Olustee-Eldorado Board of Education. They are minimum requirements. Local schools and organizations may adopt more restrictive guidelines. These standards are applicable to any activity that involves competition between two schools.

To be eligible. A student must be in attendance 90% of the time. They must have passed five (5) classes the previous semester to be eligible for competition at the beginning of a semester. If they did not pass (5) classes, they are ineligible for the first six (6) weeks of the current semester.

Students must also maintain passing grades in all classes. Scholastic eligibility will be checked after three weeks (during the fourth week) of a semester and each succeeding week thereafter. If a student is failing one class at the end of a week, he/she will be placed on probation for the next week period. If the student is still failing in any class at the end of the probationary period, he/she will be ineligible to participate during the next one-week period. He/she will continue to be ineligible until he/she no longer has a failing grade in any class. An eligible grade is a current passing grade at or above 59.5 in any class. This rule applies to all extracurricular activities and class activities.

To participate in extracurricular activities a student must be in attendance one half day at school. The principal can make exceptions for extenuating circumstances.

Athletic Policy- Expectations, Guidelines

Olustee-Eldorado School provides an excellent opportunity for its students to participate in competitive athletics. As students become involved in these programs, they assume a great responsibility. They travel to other schools and communities to compete and by that involvement they become official representatives of Olustee-Eldorado Public Schools. Therefore, since you are an official representative of the school, we feel that we should be proud of your conduct and involvement. In order to insure that these expectations are met, the Board of Education has formulated the following rules. Violation of any of the rules can be grounds for suspension or expulsion from competitive programs. 

The rules are as follows:

1. No profanity

2. No consumption of alcoholic beverages

3. No use of any harmful, illegal drugs

4. No use of tobacco

5. Obedience to basic school rules

6. Respect for coaching staff, officials, faculty, and peers

Furthermore, the coaches have the right to remove from their team any participating student whose conduct or attitude is considered detrimental to that particular activity. Any student with discipline action pending is ineligible for any activity.

The following must occur prior to a student being removed from a particular team or activity.

  1. Student should be made aware in writing of which rule they have violated.

  1. Student’s parents will be notified in writing and a formal meeting will be scheduled between the coaching staff, principal, and the student’s parents/guardians to try to resolve the problem or actions of the student.

  1. After following protocol listed above if students behavior continues, student will be removed from the team being made aware of this by the coaching staff in conjunction with the Principal.

The state regulations state that students must be in attendance at least 90% of the current semester in order to be eligible. For all other eligibility matters, Olustee-Eldorado School will go by the rules and regulations of the Oklahoma Secondary Schools Activity Association.

Athletic Lettering—All students are offered the opportunity to participate in any or all athletic and or extra curricular programs offered by Olustee-Eldorado School. Yet, only those students that meet the following requirements will be allowed to letter.

1. Must be a team member in good standing at the close of the season

2. Must be either a 10th, 11th,  or 12th grade student. 9th grade students can letter by participation in high school competition

3. There will be no provisions for junior high lettering.

4. Injured players can be lettered at the discretion of the coach

5. All students that participate in practice and suit up for all games will be allowed to letter.

Ejections and Technicals—Any ejection will carry OSSAA mandated 2 games suspension. If a player receives a technical foul, the penalty for the violation will be left up to the discretion of the coach. The penalty for technical fouls should be established prior to the beginning of the season and all students will be held to the same standards.

Quitting a Sport—Athletes who quit a sport will be allowed to return to the team only at the discretion of the coach.

Homecoming Candidate—To be eligible as a Homecoming Candidate, a student cannot be ineligible more than two times before the vote to become a candidate. Homecoming candidates must be a student athlete in good standing as determined by the coach and the principal.

Athletic Awards

  1. Athletic Awards will be limited to one award type/student/sport. Example there can only be one MVP in HS Boys Basketball. 

  2. Coaches will give the top Athletic Awards for each sport according to the stats that have been kept by the scorekeeper in each sports book. These Awards can include but are not limited to MVP, Offense, Defense, Pitching/Free Shot %, 3-D. There should be no more than 5 of these such awards. Sports such as Cheerleading, Track, Golf, and Esports that do not fit the standard of having a scorebook should use stats when possible and keep to the same maximum number of awards.

  3. Coaches can give up to 3 awards per sport of their own choosing that are not top Athletic Awards based upon stats, such as Newcomer, Most Improved, Featured Freshman, ECT.

  4. If a coach wishes to give out more awards, or the same award to two individuals, the coach must seek approval from the HS Principal and Athletic Director.

  5. This policy is not meant to hamper the coach's ability to honor their students achievements, but set a bar that students must strive for to achieve such honors.


STUDENT/ATHLETE DRUG TESTING POLICY- Athletes will adhere to the drug policy that is in place on the school website:

Drug Testing Policy - Olustee-Eldorado Public School



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