School News

Sports Banquet
By Briella Baldwin

This year, the Olustee-Eldorado Sports Banquet will be held
on May 9 th , 2023. The Sports Banquet recognizes all students,
junior high and high school, who played track, softball,
baseball, basket-ball, and e-sports. The Diamondbacks and Lady
Diamondbacks have worked really hard and have earned these
Each student can have their family and friends show up to
support them. The banquet will start at 6:30 p.m. and food will
be served before awards are handed out. The banquet will take
place in the Olustee-Eldorado Gym and students are required
dress nicely as the coaches are looking forward to rewarding
their athletes.
We are proud of everyone who participated in sports this
year. They have worked hard and deserve all their awards.

Prom 2023
By: Jaslyn Pollock

On April 28, Olustee-Eldorado had their 2023 prom.
Prom started at 7:00 p.m. at the Olustee Community
Building. All juniors and seniors were allowed to go, and
sophomores were able to if they had a date. Olustee decided to
do a new thing for prom this year. When they arrived at prom,
they drove up and the guy got out and let the girl out and they
had their names announced. Pictures were taken and they then
went inside for a fun time.
The after prom was held at the bowling alley in Altus, from
12:30 a.m. to 5:30 a.m. where prizes were given out all night.
We hope all the kids that attended had fun. Especially the
seniors as this was their last prom!

Operation Prom
By Kenzie Richie

There was be a program held in Altus on Thursday, April 27 th
for prom. This program was basically telling all kids to not
drink and drive.
Operation Prom started at 1:30 p.m. and lasted until about
2:00 p.m. All juniors and seniors from Olustee-Eldorado High
School, Altus High School, and Blair High School were there. The
cops and everyone there made it as realistic as possible. Prom
for Olustee-Eldorado was a success as almost everyone showed up
to After Prom and stayed the whole night.
We hope all the kids who went got the message about not
drinking and driving.

Alumni Softball Game
By: Jaslyn Pollock

On Saturday May 13, the Olustee-Eldorado students will have
their alumni softball game.
It will be held at the Olustee baseball field at 2:30 p.m.
Athletes that are still in school will go against the athletes
that have already graduated. The sophomore class is also trying
to raise money for next year’s prom, so they will be working the
concession to be able to do that. The teachers will be umpires,
or they will play on the adult team. You have to be 16 to be
able to play.
Come out and watch your Diamondbacks and Lady Diamondbacks

Athletic Banquet
By Kenzie Richie

Olustee-Eldorado’s annual Athletic Banquet was on May 9 th ,
and started at 6:00 p.m.
Most athletes showed up early to take pictures. Mr.
McIntyre welcomed everyone and Harmony Birmingham did the pledge
afterwards. McKenzie Richie then said a prayer so everyone could
eat. Athletes got their meal for free but parents or guests had
to pay five dollars. There are seven different sports athletes
were recognized for and those were, Softball, Baseball, Track,
Golf, Cheerleading, Basket-ball, and eSports.
We hope all athletes and our guests had a good time and are
satisfied with the rewards and honors they got. Thank you to
everyone who came out and supported our athletes.



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