Return To Learn






The following are plans for the 2023-2024 school year at Olustee-Eldorado Public School.  These are developed from Guidelines provided by the State Department of Education and modified for the needs and conditions of our school district.  This document will be broken down into four main components:  School Operations, Academic & Growth, Whole Child & Family Supports, and School Personnel.


School Operations


Communication between the school and parents will be key to making effective transitions from classroom to distance learning should the need arise.  We will notify parents of any school schedule changes through the school Remind App, Facebook page, the school website, School Messenger Phone call, Google Classroom, and local radio stations.  We will also rely on word of mouth for those that do not have access to social media or radio.  When possible, we will also notify parents of schedule changes in advance.  The Return to Learn committee agrees that for the benefit of the student’s academic success and development, it is best to adopt a “return to normal as much as possible” policy while taking the necessary steps to protect the health of students and teachers.  With this in mind, the following procedures will be implemented as we start to school in the fall.


Access to the school building will be limited.  Face masks will be optional, but not required. Parents are encouraged to check the temperature of their children before sending them to school.  A chart provided by the Oklahoma State Department of Health will provide guidance to both teachers and parents for what symptoms to watch for in their students and how to determine whether those students should be kept at home and/or tested.  Those students or teachers with symptoms of COVID-19 will be asked to quarantine off campus until completion of criteria for re-entry. That criteria will be determined by the Jackson County Health Department.  All students will only enter at the Northwest corner of the school. NO students will be permitted to enter through the front entrances on the south side of the building.  Students with a temperature of 100 degrees or more will be immediately isolated and required to return home.  Bus students will have a temperature check as they board the school bus and those with a temperature of 100 degrees or more will not be allowed on the bus or allowed to attend school that day.  It is not feasible for students to be placed 6 feet apart on the bus, so a new bus was purchased with Hepa Filters, and automatic temperature check to facilitate the healthy transfer of students.  Whenever possible, windows will be open on the bus to facilitate air circulation which has shown to reduce exposure to viruses.  If you as a parent are not comfortable with you students riding the bus, you are encouraged to bring them in a private vehicle.


Teachers will be teaching health practices that will help mitigate the spread of any disease such as frequent hand washing/sanitizing, social distancing as much as possible, keeping hands away from the students face, and being aware of their own personal symptoms.  School personnel will be increasing sanitation practices with frequent cleaning of high touch surfaces, daily sanitizing of classrooms and route buses.


A meal schedule that will help reduce the number of students in the cafeteria at the same time has been implemented to provide better social distancing practices. 


The fall sports of baseball and softball will continue with their normal schedule of games.  Players and spectators will be encouraged to social distance if attending games.  The basketball season along with practices and related activities will be evaluated the closer we get to that season.


Students who exhibit symptoms of coronavirus without other explanation (doctor’s note stating they DO NOT have COVID-19) will be asked to stay home if exhibiting symptoms at school.  These individuals will be encouraged to be tested.  Students will be required to remain at home for 7 days including 3 days with no fever, and not respiratory symptoms.  It is best to consult with a health care provider before re-entry to the school.  If the student has tested positive for COVID-19 or has been in close contact with someone who has tested positive, they should stay home and be tested.  The individual should not return to school until they have been tested and/or have completed a 7-day quarantine period.  These dates are suggested by the Jackson County Health Department and will be modified as directed by the Health Department.


Olustee-Eldorado School officials will contact and work closely with the county health department to report possible cases of COVID-19 illnesses to determine if school closure is warranted and for additional measures the school must take to contain the exposure.


Should school closure occur due to necessary building sanitation, exposure control, mitigation health risk, or mandated closure for the SDE, the school will communicate the closure dates to parents and move to a distance learning format to continue the student’s education. 


Academic Growth


Our teachers and staff have evaluated the effectiveness of our distance learning experiences of the previous school years since the beginning of the COVID-19 school closure.  We had challenges and successes in this endeavor.  We are working to assure better connectivity for each family should it be necessary to return to a distance learning environment.  Our State Department of Education has also provided us with additional software and methods of instruction that we will utilize.  The local school has purchased software that will provide more learning experiences for your student.  We are currently working on plans not only to meet the needs of returning students, but will be ready with alternate learning plans should the need arise.





Whole Child & Family Support


The COVID-19 pandemic has been traumatizing for adults and children alike.  It is important to understand the implication of stress and anxiety on children of every age.  This can cause problems with attention, decision-making, and learning.

Our teachers and staff, including our counselor, will be watching and aware of these issues and will be ready to assist our students.  Our Counselor will rapidly identify students who are not successfully transitioning back to in-person instruction by focusing and preparing school staff to implement early warning and response procedures that:

1. Quickly identify any student, family or staff having problems. They may be

more withdrawn, more anxious or depressed, or exhibit some other indicator that

the time at home was difficult for them and they would benefit from community

mental health services and supports.

2. Provide personalized supports to aid those with adjustment problems or

exhibiting change that is interfering with their ability to function well in school.

3. Refer students in need of additional services.

4. Provide individual and group counseling services.



School Personnel


School staff and support personnel are also at risk for COVID-19 in the school environment.  The plan for employees who may be exposed will be similar to those students that may be exposed or present symptoms of coronavirus.  Staff leave policies will be reviewed and revised as needed.  The Olustee-Eldorado School Board has also implemented a leave policy for teachers who have to quarantine that protects their regular sick leave balance.




Olustee-Eldorado Public School’s goal is to provide the best possible education for your child while also protecting the health of the students.  We will continue to modify and evaluate our policies as needed to reach both of these goals.  If you have concerns, please contact the school.



Return to Learn Committee


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