Wellness Policy

The Olustee-Eldorado Board of Education declares its concern for the safety and health of District employees and students. Olustee-Eldorado Public Schools recognizes the link between academic achievement and student health and wellness, and it is the intent of this policy that staff, students, and parents/guardians work together to provide a safe, secure, and healthy learning environment.
Healthy Living
Health and Nutritional Education
The aim of the Olustee-Eldorado Public Schools pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade health and wellness policy is to empower students to develop healthy, positive behaviors, skills, and attitudes by providing a variety of fitness and health awareness opportunities while establishing school & community partnerships that encourage healthy lifelong choices. All students will have education to foster lifelong habits for healthy living including the development of nutritionally sound habits.

School Practices

• Per Oklahoma Senate Bill 1627, each school site will establish a Healthy and Fit School Advisory Committee that meets and makes recommendations to the school principal. The school principal shall give consideration to recommendations made by the Healthy and Fit School Advisory Committee.
• Per the school district's Child Nutrition Programs Agreement, school meals may not be used as a reward or punishment.
• Per USDA Regulations §210.12 and §227, students and parents will be involved in the NSLP. Parent and student involvement will include menu-planning suggestions, cafeteria enhancement, program promotion, and other related student-community support activities.

Nutrition education occurs in the classroom as well as in the larger school community. The District utilizes multiple channels (e.g. classroom, cafeteria, and communications with parents) to promote healthy nutritional and physical behaviors. In support of these behaviors, the Olustee-Eldorado Public Schools wellness curriculum establishes the following guidelines:
• Students will be allowed adequate time to consume meals, at least 10 minutes for breakfast and 20 minutes for lunch from the time they are seated;
• Recess will be encouraged to the greatest extent possible: minimum of 20 minutes daily.
• Food, beverages, and candy will not be used to reward or punish academic performance or student behavior;
• The District provides training and support to food service and other relevant staff to meet nutrition standards for preparing healthy meals;
• During the school day, the District only permits school-sponsored fundraisers which are health-promoting. Such fundraisers include non-food items, physical activity-related options, community service options, or healthy foods and beverage options which follow USDA Nutrition Standards (see Olustee-Eldorado Public Schools Administrative Regulation-Nutritional Guidelines);
• The District will encourage school gardens on district property and is ready to dedicate related resources (e.g. land, water) for their implementation;
• The District encourages parents to provide healthy lunches and snacks when sending food from home.
• School follows the shared or joint use policy to allow access to the school grounds for physical activity outside the school day.
• The District encourages students to walk/bike to school. Working with the City of Olustee-Eldorado, a designated walk/bike route will be established each year for safe mobility to and from school.

Nutritional Guidelines
To promote student health, students will not be provided with foods outside the USDA Nutrition Standards with the exception of two (2) events per school year in which healthy options are also available. . .
School Meals Service through the National Lunch- Breakfast Program
Meals served through the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs are free to all students through the CEP program and will meet the following United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA's) requirements.

• Per USDA Regulations §210.10 and §220.8, school lunches and breakfasts will meet menu-planning system guidelines as required by USDA.
• Per USDA Regulation §210.10, school lunches will provide 1/3 of the recommended dietary allowances (RDA) for calories, protein, calcium, iron, vitamin A, and vitamin C as required by USDA.
• Per USDA Regulation §220.8, school breakfasts will provide 1/4 of the RDA for calories, protein, calcium, iron, vitamin A, and vitamin C as required by USDA.
• Per USDA Regulations §210.10 and §220.8, the total calories from fat in school meals will be limited to 30 percent when averaged over one week.
• Per USDA Regulations §210.10 and §220.8, the total calories from saturated fat in school meals will be less than 10 percent when averaged over one week.
• Per USDA Regulations §210.10 and §220.8, school meals will meet the Dietary Guidelines for Americans
In addition all meals will:
• Be appealing and attractive to children/young adults/staff of various ages and diverse backgrounds;
• Be served in clean and pleasant settings;
• Be accessible to all children and young adults;
• Be designed to feature fresh fruits and vegetables from local sources whenever possible, including the Farm to School Program.
• Include the provision of safe, unflavored, cool drinking water throughout the school day at no cost to students;
• Include food high in fiber, free of added trans-fat, low in added fats, sugar, and sodium, and served in appropriate portion sizes consistent with the USDA standards.

Other Food Items Sold on School Campuses will adhere to the following guidelines:

• Per USDA Regulation §210, Appendix B, foods of minimal nutritional value (FMNV) are prohibited from being sold or served during student meal services in the food service area where USDA reimbursable meals are served or eaten.
• Per the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004, beverage contracts will not restrict the sale of fluid milk products at any time during the school day or at any place on the school premises.
• Per Oklahoma Senate Bill 265 (effective school year 2007-2008), students in elementary schools will not have access to FMNV except on special occasions.
• Per Oklahoma Senate Bill 265 (effective school year 2007-2008), students in middle and junior high schools will not have access to FMNV except after school, at events which take place in the evening, and on special occasions.
• Per Oklahoma Senate Bill 265 (effective school year 2007-2008), diet soda, an FMNV, will be available for sale at the junior high only in vending areas outside of the cafeteria.
• Per Oklahoma Senate Bill 265 (effective school year 2007-2008), healthy food options will be provided at the high school and priced lower than FMNV in order to encourage students and staff to make healthier food choices.
Nutrition Education
Olustee-Eldorado Public School will use the following guidelines in nutrition education. These are minimum guidelines and may include other educational resources that become available to the staff.

• Per USDA Regulations §210.12 and §227, nutrition education is offered in the school cafeteria as well as the classroom.
• Per Oklahoma Senate Bill 1627, the Healthy and Fit School Advisory Committee at each school site will study and make recommendations regarding health education, nutrition, and health services.
Physical Education

• Per Oklahoma Senate Bill 1627, the Healthy and Fit School Advisory Committee at each school site will study and make recommendations regarding physical education and physical activity.
• Per Oklahoma Senate Bill 312 (effective school year 2006-2007), students in Grades K through 5 will participate in 60 minutes of physical activity each week.
The aim of the Olustee-Eldorado Public Schools pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade physical education curriculum is to enhance quality of life by fostering physical dexterity and life-long health and well-being in an environment that promotes participation and the development of the whole person. The District supports quality physical activity throughout the school day. Practices which support the accomplishment of this aim include:
• Students in grades pre-Kindergarten through five will participate in physical activity a minimum of 150 minutes per week through daily recess, integrated physical activity within the academic classroom and physical education activities. The Coordinated Approach to Child Health, an evidence-based program that employs a holistic approach to child health promotion by targeting multiple aspects of the school environment: the classroom, Child Nutrition Services, physical education (PE), parents, and the broader school community will be utilized. Time spent in these activities, per state law, will meet the requirements for accreditation by the Oklahoma State Board of Education. Students in all grades will be offered a range of physical activity choices, which may include competitive and non-competitive options. In addition, teachers and other school personnel at all grade levels may provide opportunities to students for additional physical activity by integrating physical activity into the academic curriculum, including adaptive physical education, movement breaks, and other activities to promote movement.
• Students participating in physical education will be moderately to vigorously active for the majority of class time;
• Physical activity, or the withholding thereof, will not be used to punish academic performance or student behavior in the classroom;
• The District provides proper equipment and facilities to support physical education classes and other school-sponsored physical activities;
• The District provides training for teachers for integrating physical activity into the curriculum.
• Students, parents, and other community members will have access to the District's physical activity facilities outside the normal school day (see Facility Usage and Rental policy).
• Physical activity opportunities are available to students of all physical and mental abilities to help develop the skills needed to participate in lifetime physical activities.
• The District encourages students to walk/bike to school. A designated walk/bike route will be established each year for safe mobility to and from school.

Monitoring and Policy Review
Each school site's Healthy and Fit School Committee will use the School Health Index to develop an action plan unique to that site as part of the Coordinated School Health Framework. Each plan will be evaluated and updated annually. Additionally, with input from the Healthy and Fit School Committee, each site will use the annual Comprehensive Local Education Plan (CLEP) process to set and measure goals related to students wellness. Curricula for the health and physical education programs in the District, using current Oklahoma State Health and Wellness standards, are reviewed according to the textbook adoption schedule for the State of Oklahoma. These processes provide for public input by involving stakeholders from all District school sites as well as the community. Oversight for the district Wellness Policy will be maintained by the principals and school superintendent and the Wellness Committee.
The Wellness Committee shall consist of the following members until deemed necessary to change/replace these members.
Chairman/Superintendent: Melvin Hazel
Administration: Stephanie Wall
Parent: Alicia Walker
Student: Laney Gobeille
School Nutritionist: Debbie Brown
PE Teacher: Jennifer Smith
Health Ed Teacher: Matt Whitaker
School Nurse:
School Counselor: Lori Hayes
School Board member: Bryan Walker
Gen Public /City Clerk: Kim Keller

This School Wellness Policy adopted by the Board of the Olustee-Eldorado Public School at the regularly scheduled meeting on this, the ___11th________ day of ____Dec_________ in the year __2018________.
___Bryan Walker__________________________________
Board President

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